*Notes: Best to play with "Mic Access" on as some mechanic use sound input.


About The Game

Will you help poor, desperate Chicken Nugget to finish his studies? :(

In this game, you'll be helping a Chicken Nugget by clicking the Study button to make him focus and study. But, it is not an easy task.  He likes to party and can easily get stressed.  As the exam time closer, he is desperate to pass the exam. You have to help him balance his studies and  stress by partying.

This game is submitted to the CAP game Jam. It is inspired by Cookie Cooker and the meme "Gedagedigedagedago".  The Jam's theme is "Desperation". So, to fit the game into theme,  the character is a desperate Chicken Nugget whose exam time is close and the player will be desperately clicking as the time limits is close to run out.







Game Engine: Godot

Art: Krita


Credits [ Sounds ]:

Meme's Original Music:

Meme's Music:  https://tuna.voicemod.net/sound/00ca2869-2383-4c62-b59a-94027b707de4

Meme's Sad Music:


Credits [ Arts ]:

Chicken Nugget Dance (Pulled from here): https://ezgif.com/split

Made withGodot


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I passed!


game of the year